
French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel

35 mins treatment priced at £38.00

Treatment Process

Experience a top-notch pedicure with our French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment. The procedure begins by prepping your nails, ensuring they are clean and dry. Our nail technicians will then shape your nails according to your preference. A base coat will be applied to safeguard your nails and enhance adhesion. Thereafter, a white or tinted gel will be delicately applied to the tips of the toenails, creating the classic French tip look.

We only use Bio Sculpture Gel products for this treatment, renowned for being durable and healthy for the nails. Each layer of the gel is cured under LED light, making the product dry instantly and eliminating the risk of smudges or chips. After the application of the gel, a top coat is used to seal everything in place and provide a glossy finish. Your toenails will be perfectly polished with a beautiful, clean line.

Wonderful Results

The French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment at Dream Nails results in stylish and timeless toenails that are sure to impress. The Bio Sculpture Gel fortifies and protects the natural nail, promoting growth and strength, while preventing any future damage. Your feet will look and feel fabulous for weeks with no chipping or peeling of the gel, and you can walk out immediately after the treatment without fear of ruining your toes due to the instant-dry nature of the gel treatment.

Choose the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment for a classic, durable and beautiful look that shows off your chic style. This maintenance-free treatment is perfect for those with a busy lifestyle and even for those fancy holidays. It's not just a pedicure—it's a wellness treatment, helping you feel beautiful from toe to top.

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  • Bio Sculpture Gel
  • Gel
  • product:Bio Sculpture

Frequently Asked Questions

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Does the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment damage the natural nail?

Absolutely not. On the contrary, the Bio Sculpture Gel treatment actually fortifies and protects your natural nails, promoting growth and strength, whilst preventing any future damage.

What is the process of the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment?

The process includes nail prep, application of a base coat, shaping of nails, application of the Bio Sculpture Gel, curing under LED light, and a final top coat to seal and provide a glossy finish.

Do the effects of the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment last long?

Yes, the Bio Sculpture Gel treatment is renowned for its durability. Your toenails will look stylish for weeks with no chipping or peeling of the gel.

Is the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment only available in white?

Traditionally, the treatment produces a classic French tip look with a white or tinted gel. However, we can customize the colour according to your preference.

Will I have to wait for the gel to dry after the treatment?

No, each layer of the Bio Sculpture Gel is cured under LED light, which makes the product dry instantly. You can walk out immediately after the treatment without fear of smudging or chipping.

Is the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment suitable for everyone?

Yes, this treatment is perfect for those with a busy lifestyle as it is maintenance-free. It's also suitable for those looking for an elegant solution for special occasions or holidays.

What exactly is Bio Sculpture Gel?

Bio Sculpture Gel is a premium brand that offers a range of durable and healthy gel nail treatments. Renowned for protecting the nail and promoting natural growth, it provides a chip and smudge-resistant finish.

What is the finish of the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment?

The French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment has a glossy finish, giving you a chic and stylish appearance.

Can I choose the shape of my nails in the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment?

Absolutely. Our nail technicians will shape your nails according to your preference during the preparation stage of the treatment.

Is there an age restriction for the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment?

No, there are no age restrictions to enjoy the French Toes Bio Sculpture Gel treatment. However, we encourage our under-18 clients to come with an accompanying adult.