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Can I get the Shape & Varnish French Feet treatment if I have short nails?

Our Shape & Varnish French Feet service caters to all nail lengths. Our proficient technicians will shape your nails to complement your particular toe shape and size, creating the illusion of longer, more shapely nails if desired.

Are touch-ups available in-between sessions for the Shape & Varnish French Feet treatment?

Maintaining your Shape & Varnish French Feet in pristine condition between treatments is easily done with minimal tools at home. However, if you're eager to have the experts at Dream Nails ensure its perfection, touch-ups in the salon can be arranged.

What is the initial step of the Spa Pedicure?

Our Spa Pedicure starts off with a warm foot soak. We incorporate essential oils for their cleansing properties, which help soften your skin and cuticles.

What happens after the foot soak in the Spa Pedicure?

We carry out an exhaustive cuticle care and toenail shaping procedure. This ensures your feet look neat and healthy.

What type of scrub is used for the Spa Pedicure exfoliation?

We utilise a scrub specifically formulated to eliminate all dead skin cells during the Spa Pedicure. This scrub also boosts blood circulation and results in the smooth texture of your skin.

What is the purpose of the massage in the Spa Pedicure?

A soothing massage using hydrating cream helps nourish your skin and evoke a sensation of relaxation. This massage also aids in the progression of the Spa Pedicure process.

Does the Spa Pedicure include a nail polish application?

Definitely, the Spa Pedicure concludes with a vibrant nail polish of your choice, enhancing the beauty of your feet.

How should I expect to feel after a Spa Pedicure treatment?

You'll leave the salon feeling invigorated and entirely relaxed. The massage targets critical pressure points to aid the relaxation of your entire body.

How frequently should I schedule a Spa Pedicure?

The frequency of a Spa Pedicure can vary, but for the best results, we recommend a session every four to six weeks. It aids in maintaining the health of your toenails and skin.

How can the Spa Pedicure prevent potential nail diseases and discolourations?

The Spa Pedicure maintains a healthy environment for your toenails. Proper cuticle care and a nutritious soak help prevent potential nail diseases and discolourations.

What is the result of the Spa Pedicure's exfoliation and massage?

After the effective exfoliation and massage, your skin will feel noticeably softer, smoother, and well-nourished, and your stress will be greatly reduced.

What is 'Gel on Toes' treatment?

Our Gel on Toes treatment involves applying a durable gel polish to your toenails. The process involves careful preparation of your nails, after which the gel polish is cured using UV light. This gives a high-shine, richly coloured finish that lasts at least two weeks.

What is the difference between gel polish and regular nail polish?

Gel polish is more durable than regular nail polish. It's cured under a UV light which makes it resistant to chipping and peeling. Moreover, it offers a glossier finish than regular polish, giving your toes a salon-fresh look every day.

What happens during the gel nail application process?

Our skilled staff will begin by preparing your nails through cleaning, shaping and buffing. Then, multiple layers of gel polish are applied and cured under UV light. This process ensures a deep, rich colour and a durable, glossy finish.

Is gel polish safe to use?

Yes, gel polish is safe to use, but it does require a level of expertise for the application process. At Dream Nails, our experienced staff are trained in applying the polish safely and effectively to give you the best results.

How long does the 'Gel on Toes' treatment last?

The results of our Gel on Toes treatment can last for at least two weeks. Its formula is resistant to chipping and peeling, it’s a perfect long-lasting solution for perfectly polished toes.

Can I choose the colour of the gel polish?

Absolutely! We offer a vast range of gel polish colours. We're sure we have that perfect colour you're looking for to make your toes stand out.

What if I want to remove the gel polish?

Gel polish should be professionally removed to prevent damage to the natural nail. We offer a safe and effective polish removal service at Dream Nails.

Is 'Gel on Toes' appropriate for all types of nail conditions?

We advise that people with certain nail conditions consult a specialist before opting for any nail treatments. Our staff will also assess your nails to ensure they're in suitable condition for the treatment.

Can I use gel polish if I have brittle nails?

Yes, the flexible gel formula can actually help protect brittle nails from breakage. However, proper application and removal by a professional is crucial to prevent further damage.

Can I get a 'Gel on Toes' treatment if I am pregnant?

Yes, it's generally safe. However, we advise all pregnant women to consult their doctor first. Additionally, if you’re in your first trimester, an open window is needed during the curing process to limit exposure to smell and UV light.

What is a Gel French manicure?

A Gel French manicure is a classic manicure treatment involving the application of a base gel, followed by a vibrant white painted on the tips of your nails. The treatment is sealed with a UV-cured top gel for a glossy, durable finish.

How does UV light contribute to this treatment?

UV light is used to cure, or harden, the base and top gel coats applied during the Gel French manicure. This strengthens the nail and ensures a glossy, long-lasting finish that resists chipping and fading.

What makes a Gel French manicure different from a regular one?

A Gel French manicure uses a UV-cured gel and has a longer-lasting, chip-resistant finish compared to a regular manicure. These features add strength to the nails and make the manicure resistant to most types of everyday damage.

How will my nails look after a Gel French manicure?

Following a Gel French manicure, your nails will have a beautifully polished, high-gloss finish. The iconic white tips provide a crisp, vibrant look that's perfect for any occasion.

How long does a Gel French manicure last?

A Gel French manicure is specifically designed to resist chips, breaks, and fading. With regular care, the manicure can last for several weeks, maintaining its charm even through the wear and tear of everyday life.

Is a Gel French manicure suitable for all nail types?

Absolutely. A Gel French manicure is suitable for all nail types. The UV-cured gel strengthens the nail, making it a great option for those seeking to improve the health and strength of their nails.

Can the Gel French manicure damage my nails?

Far from damaging, the UV-cured gel we use in our Gel French manicure treatment is beneficial for your nails. It adds strength and offers a level of protection from everyday damage.

Why should I choose a Gel French manicure over other treatments?

A Gel French manicure is not just stylish, but also practical and durable. With its UV-cured gel, the manicure offers a strong, chip-resistant finish that lasts for several weeks. It accentuates the natural beauty of your nails while also enhancing their strength.

Do you cleanse the nails before applying the manicure?

Yes, we do. Prior to the Gel French manicure, we thoroughly clean your nails and buff them to perfection. This helps to rid your nails of any dirt and oil and provides a clean slate for the application of the manicure.

What type of finish does the Gel French manicure have?

The Gel French manicure has a high-gloss finish. After the application of the white tips, a top gel coat is applied and cured under UV light. This results in an impressive gloss finish that not only looks fantastic but also adds to the manicure's durability.

What is the 'Gel French on Toes' treatment?

The 'Gel French on Toes' treatment is a gel pedicure offering a timeless and elegant look, characterized by a pink or nude base with a classic white tip. Our skilled technicians apply it carefully for a stylish, durable finish.

Why should I choose 'Gel French on Toes' treatment?

This treatment offers a classy and flawless appearance that remains immaculate, smudge-free and chip-resistant for up to three weeks. It's an ideal choice if you want to make a distinguished fashion statement with your feet.

How is the gel adhered to the nails?

The gel is adhered to the nails by applying a base coat which helps the gel polish to stick properly. It is then cured under a UV or LED lamp ensuring a durable and long-lasting finish.

Is the Gel French on Toes safe?

Yes, the treatment is safe. We ensure your nails are clean and neat prior to the application, and we use professional-grade products curated for safety and efficiency.

Does the 'Gel French on Toes' treatment harm my natural nails?

No, your natural nails will not be harmed. Prior to gel application, a protective base coat is applied to your nails, offering added strength and protection.

Why do you use a UV or LED lamp in the process?

The UV or LED lamp is used to cure or harden the gel polish. This ensures a shiny and durable finish that can last up to three weeks.

What colours are used in the 'Gel French on Toes' treatment?

The main colour applied is typically a translucent pink or nude shade, followed by the classic white tip across the free edge of your nails for that perfect French pedicure look.

Can I choose a different colour for the main application other than pink or nude?

Yes, you certainly may. While pink or nude is the standard choice for a classic French pedicure, we can accommodate your preference for a different main colour.

Can I choose a different colour for the tip other than white?

Yes, you may choose a different colour for the tips as well. The classic French pedicure typically comes with a white tip, but we are flexible to your personal style needs.

How long does the gloss finish of this treatment last?

The 'Gel French on Toes' treatment offers a glossy finish that can last up to three weeks with proper care, allowing you plenty of time to enjoy your stunning feet.

What is included in the Gel Manicure at Dream Nails?

Our Gel Manicure includes a thorough nail clean-up process, where we buff, shape, and cleanse your nails. We then proceed to apply a base and gel coat of your choice which is hardened under an LED lamp. The final result is a glossy, durable finish with an impressive longevity of up to three weeks.

How long does the glossiness last in a Gel Manicure?

One of the greatest benefits of our Gel Manicure is its impressive longevity. The high-gloss finish achieved typically lasts for up to three weeks without chipping or peeling, maintaining its gleaming appearance.

Does your gel polish harm my natural nails?

Not at all. At Dream Nails, the gel polish we use is of the highest quality, vegan-friendly, and gentle on your natural nails. In fact, by applying a base coat before the gel polish, we protect your nails from potential staining.

What is the difference between a regular manicure and a Gel Manicure at Dream Nails?

Unlike a basic manicure, our Gel Manicure uses gel polish that is cured under a LED lamp. This not only gives your nails a glossy finish but adds an additional layer of strength, preventing potential damage such as breakage, splitting, or peeling.

Why might I choose a Gel Manicure over other treatments?

A Gel Manicure at Dream Nails results in a high glossy finish that stays for up to three weeks without chipping, making it perfect for those who want immaculate nails for longer periods. Plus, the added layer of strength helps protect your nails from potential damage.

Does a Gel Manicure at Dream Nails involve only one colour application?

We typically apply two layers of the chosen gel colour to deliver an intense colour pay-off, making the result nothing short of stunning.

Are Gel Manicures at Dream Nails mistaken for acrylic nails?

Yes, the results of our Gel Manicure are so flawless and glossy that they are often mistaken for acrylic nails. However, gel manicures offer more flexibility and are typically more gentle on your natural nails.

Will the Gel Manicure damage my nails?

No, our Gel Manicure is designed to add an extra layer of strength to your nails, protecting them from breakage, splitting, and peeling. We use high-quality, vegan-friendly products that won’t harm your natural nails.

Are the products used in the Gel Manicure vegan-friendly?

Absolutely, at Dream Nails, we are committed to using only high-quality, vegan-friendly products for our Gel Manicures. We ensure our products are not only kind to your nails but also to the environment.

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